MAINFRAMEd  Solution

Bridge your skills and competency gaps

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Our Solution

Through our extensive experience and interaction with customers and IBM, we have created an offering to solve the most commonly voiced challenges: Talent and Education. All parts of our offering are modular to fit your specific requirements, and as such, we can adapt the offering to your needs. We work closely together to ensure our solution will work for you.


Training can be standard or customized. When there are no courses within a specific topic we run a workshop with a subject matter expert. We also run knowledge transfer sessions, and mentoring.

On-site in a classroom
On-site at your company


Academies focus on preparing a person or team for a specific role and adding resiliency to the team of experts.

App. Developer (Cobol, PL/1)
System Operator (SysOp)
System Programmer (SysProg)
Cross Traning (resiliency)


We can help you find experienced consultants, fully trained staff, or young people interested in the Mainframe.

  Skills & Risk

  • Skills mapping/matrix
  • Understand needs, interests, gaps, and redundancies
  • Organize teams, departments, and the organization
  • Reduce skills fog, data blindness, and risk
  • Increase productivity

How does it work in practice?

The MAINFRAMEd solution is modular and consists of Courses, Academies, Talent, and Skills & Risk Management. Its modularity means you can use any part(s) of the solution without needing to use the other(s), and it also means that we can adapt the solution to your needs.

It all starts by asking yourself some questions.

  • Does your company have all the people it needs but requires skills and competencies? Then you need to look at Courses and Academies.
  • Are you aware of everyone in your teams, departments, and organization, as well as their skills, competencies, and interests? If not, our Skills & Risk Management tool can be a great solution to clarify your skills fog and data blindness. This will allow you to understand key skill redundancies or gaps, provide insight into your staff’s interests, and much more. These are powerful pieces of information for planning and development, as it can mean you already have the key people you were looking for and who are normally difficult to find in-house.
  • Does your company need people? If so, our Talent solution can help you find key resources for short- or long-term projects and staff such as graduates (inexperienced or fully trained) or experts.
  • If you need everything, then our MAINFRAMEd solution, deployed in close collaboration between your company and our team, will help you solve your challenges.

Want to know more?
Let's have a talk.